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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Learning Link Directory

In the world of teaching, it's not uncommon to come across topics or areas where you could use a bit of guidance or advice. It's a natural part of the learning process, and it's one of the reasons our community of teachers is so invaluable. But here's the thing – finding the right person with the exact skills or knowledge you need can sometimes be a challenge. That's where the magic of collaboration and community truly shines.

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Bridging the Gender Gap in Computing Science!

In Scotland, Computing Science faces the largest gender gap among traditional STEM fields, and it's been a persistent challenge for far too long. Visibility of female role models in STEM subjects is so important to help encourage girls into these areas.

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

STACS Annual Report

We are proud of what we have accomplished and grateful for all the teachers who have provided requests and feedback over the year.

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STACS Steven Scott STACS Steven Scott

Welcome back!

We hope you had a restful and well deserved break. A special thank you to the teachers who have provided feedback on the site and resources we have provided so far. STACS site very much belongs to the Computing Science community. If there is something that you would like to see get in touch and if we can help we will.

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STACS Steven Scott STACS Steven Scott

STACS is now Live

We are so excited to launch STACS, the new teacher-led initiative! We have been working closely with the STACS reference group to identify the needs of the teachers on the ground and has helped shaped STACS activities to support teachers delivering Computing Science so far.

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