Looking for tutors for this years teacher upskilling
What is the upskilling programme going to cover?
The upskilling programme is planned to cover Database development, Software development and Web development at both National 5 and Higher levels. The content will be based on addressing the issues and challenges for candidates identified in the SQA course reports.
Why be a tutor?
We need tutors with energy, experience of teaching N5 and/or Higher and enthusiasm for any or all of the topics!
Being a tutor is a great team experience and much appreciated by the teachers who attend the upskilling. Here are some feedback comments from those who participated in the previous Advanced Higher upskilling programme.
great quality online learning - superb tutors
Friendly & Knowledgeable presenters
liked being online, as you made us very welcome
The support from the tutors has been amazing
Tutors have been v good
We would like to offer the same kind of experience to teachers again and we can do this with your help! In the end we want all our students to benefit in their classroom learning.
How can all that be covered?
We are hoping to create several small teams of tutors.
We would like to form teams based around each area of study.
Each team would cover both National 5 and Higher.
Teams will have support from teachers with experience of the pilot upskilling programme.
What next
Please apply!
STACS is all about teachers, new and not-so-new from all over Scotland working together for each other. The AH programme showed that it can work and bring benefits to fellow teachers. We encourage you to step forward and become involved as a tutor!
To avoid any delays it is important to include all the information asked for in the advert. Ensure that the information is accurate and up to date. Make sure that referees will be able to respond quickly to requests for a reference.