Pilot - Raising Awareness and Inspiring Computing Science Graduates to Become Teachers
Are you interested in volunteering to help inspire the next generation of Computing Science teachers?
Our subject desperately needs more Computing Science teachers, last year there was just 16 new Computing Science teachers coming into the Initial Teacher Training. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in engaging with undergraduate students at universities to help raise awareness of Computing Science teaching as a career option. We are working closely with Scottish Government on this pilot.
STACS are aware and acknowledge that this alone will not solve the issue & much more intervention is needed. Computing Science is in a particularly delicate position, and teachers play a key role in its success.
We have secured several opportunities to connect with these aspiring educators and are actively seeking more. Please select any of the opportunities you are interested in getting involved with. Even if you have concerns about getting out of school, please don't hesitate to indicate your interest. We are happy to discuss potential scheduling challenges and explore ways to make volunteering work for you.