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littleBits Fundamentals- Self-Guided Course
Self-guided online course, you will learn how to bring the littleBits Invention Cycle into the classroom.
indi Fundamentals - Self-Guided Course
indi Fundamentals course offers insight into what makes this screenless robot for ages 4+ such a special, accessible robot and how it can be used to teach STEAM and computer science in any classroom.
Sphero Fundamentals- Self-Guided Course
Our asynchronous Professional Learning course walks you through getting started with the Sphero Edu Program, the Sphero Edu app, and how to apply it all in your classroom.
Makey Makey 101 - For absolute beginners
The purpose of this course is to pre-certify teachers new to Makey Makey for the Makey Makey Educator Workshop (in-person).
Makey Makey Certified Educator Workshop
The Makey Makey Certified Educator Workshop is an intensive, hands-on, 3-hour virtual class during which you’ll learn how to teach Invention Literacy, Making, and Design Thinking using the award winning Makey Makey.
Practical tips for teachers using the BBC micro:bit
This course introduces the basics of what you need to get started teaching with the micro:bit, some practical suggestions and top tips for getting the most from your lesson time.
Networks with radio communication
Introduces computer networks and security using the micro:bit’s simple radio feature.
Controlling physical systems with sensors
Shows how to use the micro:bit’s built-in accelerometer, light and magnetism sensors to build simple working models of control systems like nightlights and alarms.
Animation artist
Explores some core computing concepts through creating animations on the micro:bit’s LED display including algorithms, pattern recognition and abstraction.
Introducing loops
Uses the micro:bit to show how loops repeat sets of instructions to make your code do more.
Meet the tiny computer
Introduces the BBC micro:bit and how it is the ideal tool for teaching computational thinking and computing in a creative way.
Teaching Physical Computing with Raspberry Pi and Python
Explore the exciting world of physical computing and create electronic circuits that you can control with code. Learn the benefits of using physical computing with your students.