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Python Sponge
Learn Python quickly with our no-nonsense starter guide which runs in the browser. Lot’s of great features!
Marty the Robot
Marty is easy to use and designed for educators and pupils. Marty can walk, dance and eyebrow-wiggle like no rolling robot can!
Makey Makey
Turn everyday objects like bananas into touch pads! · Connect the world around you to your computer!
Machine Learning
Introduces machine learning by providing hands-on experiences for training machine learning systems and building things with them.
Make Code Arcade
Develop your programming skills by quickly creating and modding retro arcade games with Blocks and JavaScript in the MakeCode editor.
Futurecoder is a free and open-source platform and course for complete beginners to teach themselves programming in Python. curriculum
Replit is an incredible tool for quickly starting, sharing, and developing projects in any programming language, right from your browser that has the power to instantly modernise your curriculum. education is free for teachers and comes with amazing set of tools like multiplayer, review and send feedback without leaving IDE, tests, autograding, ability to embed videos and so much more!
Compute it
Pupils act as the computer! They have to read, understand and predict the programs and find the right trajectory to complete the challenges. Want to introduce sequence, fixed loops, conditional loops and decisions - here you go!
Hour of Code
An incredible list of coding websites accessible for early years to BGE and beyond!
SQL Police Department
SQL Police Department is an online game where you solve crimes using SQL. Good for critical thinking and applying knowledge pupils have learnt as opposed to a site for pupils to learn SQL.
AWS GetIT is a fully funded education program and competition designed to inspire 12-14 year old students, especially girls, to consider a future in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).
Perse Coding Team Challenge
Annual Perse Coding Team Challenge compete online for The Braben Cup and prize money by solving text-coding challenges. Open to S1 to S5 pupils.
UKCT Challenges
UKCT Challenges is an umbrella organisation committed to promoting UK computational thinking progression through our progression pathway of successive competitions.
Cyber First Girls
This is an annual cyber security competition that aims to support girls interested in a career in cyber security. Open to S2 girls.
Cyber Start
Cyber security training brought to life through real-world hacking challenges and puzzles. A comprehensive set of high quality, interactive puzzles where pupils can learn as they play. 12 free challenges to try but to gain full access subscription required.