Awareness, Role Models, Choose Computing Science, Industry, Female Role Models, • 20/10/2022 Digital World | Lesley at FanDuel 15' Previous Digital World | Andrew at Skyscanner 15' Next Skills 4.0: Thriving in the future You Might Also Like NASA Trailblazer: Katherine Johnson | National Geographic Careers in Tech: My name is Tess Young Software Engineer of the Year - Nikita Samarin (third place) Computing Science N5. #ChooseComputingScience Digital World | Steven Heggie, Student at University of Edinburgh '15
Awareness, Role Models, Choose Computing Science, Industry, Female Role Models, • 20/10/2022 Digital World | Lesley at FanDuel 15' Previous Digital World | Andrew at Skyscanner 15' Next Skills 4.0: Thriving in the future You Might Also Like NASA Trailblazer: Katherine Johnson | National Geographic Careers in Tech: My name is Tess Young Software Engineer of the Year - Nikita Samarin (third place) Computing Science N5. #ChooseComputingScience Digital World | Steven Heggie, Student at University of Edinburgh '15