Awareness, Role Models, Industry, Female Role Models, • 29/03/2024 Why should girls study STEM? Previous What would you say to girls who love science? Next Meet Hawa, Tech rental service founder | My#SmashingStereotypes story You Might Also Like Computing Science N5. #ChooseComputingScience CSA: Nested Loops Careers in Tech: My name is Kinsley Chelsea Jarvie talks cyber security Dressed in Code: Fashion Meets Tech - How the LED Dress Came to Life
Awareness, Role Models, Industry, Female Role Models, • 29/03/2024 Why should girls study STEM? Previous What would you say to girls who love science? Next Meet Hawa, Tech rental service founder | My#SmashingStereotypes story You Might Also Like Computing Science N5. #ChooseComputingScience CSA: Nested Loops Careers in Tech: My name is Kinsley Chelsea Jarvie talks cyber security Dressed in Code: Fashion Meets Tech - How the LED Dress Came to Life