Awareness, Role Models, Industry, Female Role Models, • 29/03/2024 Why should girls study STEM? Previous What would you say to girls who love science? Next Meet Hawa, Tech rental service founder | My#SmashingStereotypes story You Might Also Like School of Computing Does AI Have Creativity and Imagination? Rubik's Cube: A question, waiting to be answered CSA: One-Dimensional (1D) Arrays Proud to be a woman in tech #JoinUsAtLOréal
Awareness, Role Models, Industry, Female Role Models, • 29/03/2024 Why should girls study STEM? Previous What would you say to girls who love science? Next Meet Hawa, Tech rental service founder | My#SmashingStereotypes story You Might Also Like School of Computing Does AI Have Creativity and Imagination? Rubik's Cube: A question, waiting to be answered CSA: One-Dimensional (1D) Arrays Proud to be a woman in tech #JoinUsAtLOréal