Cyber Camps for girls and young women

In the UK, the national average for women and girls entering digital technologies, as well as studying computing-related programmes is an approximate 13%. The numbers vary; at its worst typically 9%, at best, around 22%. Whilst it is difficult to find accurate statistics, non-binary students are also an underrepresented group in the digital technologies field.

Some may ask, why we are we not offering the programme for young men and boys? We agree that there are also underserved communities for this gender. However, as the digital technology and cybersecurity workforce remains around 87% male, we cannot avoid that there is a major gender disparity and a significant issue.

It is our ambition to tilt the percentage, in the right direction.

If you are male and still want access to the content provided, feel free to follow this link to Skills for All ... here, you can access everything that is provided. However without the specialist community support, designed for Girls and Young Women.

How does it work?

Study together: The Cyber Camps will use online, secure groups moderated by DBS-checked female cybersecurity experts. These experts will also host a range of online webinars.

Flexible learning: The Cisco Cyber Camps will be delivered using hybrid learning, in close partnership with the Open University, who are experts in remote distance learning for 50+ years.

Timing: Each Cyber Camp will run for 10 weeks, starting in July, October, January, and May. There is no pressure as participants can enrol in any Cyber Camp and pause one to join another later on, if other commitments arise.

Courses & Enrolment: Please scroll down for more information on courses and how to enrol.

Who is it for?

The Cisco Cyber Camps are for students that identify as female or non-binary. Candidates must be aged 13-19 at the time of enrolment to participate in a Cisco Cyber Camp sprint. You will register via Cisco, who age verifies on their platform. You do not require any experience whatsoever; this programme is designed to develop confidence, with support from female cybersecurity and digital technology experts.

Steven Scott

We are twofifths design agency. We design logos, create unforgettable brands, design & build beautiful websites, and bring stories to life through animated motion graphics films.

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