Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Hello World

Introduction to programming using Scratch through project based work.

Pupils will be introduced to languages as a structured method of communication and present Scratch Jr as an example of a programming language.

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Respect, Device Care

Introduction to handling a tablet/device safely and responsibly.

Pupils will be introduced to the terms programming and programmers. They will also learn how to handle a tablet/device safely and responsibly

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Order Matters

Introduction algorithms and importance of sequence

Pupils will be introduced to the terms algorithms and sequence put into context of day to day tasks. They will also be introduced to reading code and predicting what a program will do.

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Step Into Scratch Jr

Introduction to Scratch Jr interface and awareness as to who can be a programmer. 

Pupils will become more familiar with Scratch Jr and explore more and have awareness that anyone can be a programmer, it doesn’t matter what age,

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Your First Program

Introduction to pupils first coding task and further exploring Scratch Jr.

Pupils will become more familiar with Scratch Jr and explore more and complete their first coding task.

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Blast Off!

Introduction to pupils next coding task and further exploring Scratch Jr.

Pupils will become more familiar with Scratch Jr and explore more, complete their next coding task and be introduced to Katherine Johnson.

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Think Like A Creator

Introduction to the engineering design process.

Pupils will be introduced to the engineering design process and apply this process to complete a team engineering challenge.

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Find The Bug

Introduction to pupils bugs and debugging.
Pupils will be introduced to the terms bug and debugging and have the opportunity to spot bugs and debug. 

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Toni Scullion Toni Scullion

Nursery - Show Me What You Know

A recap the blocks and knowledge covered in this unit. 

Pupils will show what they have learnt over this unit and individually complete answer in their workbook. 

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