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Resource Steven Scott Resource Steven Scott

Silent Teacher

This game is an introduction to the concept of programming. A minimalist game where beginners can discover what coding is all about and the key concepts behind code, with no explanations given. Through several series of questions, the player is led to guess the rules of this language and learn from his own mistakes.

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Resource Steven Scott Resource Steven Scott

Little Dot Adventure

Select a card from your deck and interpret it's code in order to progress through the world. Along your journey you will discover some basic concepts of programming.

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Resource Steven Scott Resource Steven Scott

Compute it

Pupils act as the computer! They have to read, understand and predict the programs and find the right trajectory to complete the challenges. Want to introduce sequence, fixed loops, conditional loops and decisions - here you go!

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Resource Steven Scott Resource Steven Scott

Cyber Start

Cyber security training brought to life through real-world hacking challenges and puzzles. A comprehensive set of high quality, interactive puzzles where pupils can learn as they play. 12 free challenges to try but to gain full access subscription required.

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