BGE Secondary Resources

  • Over 250 hours of FREE High quality, pick up & play resources

  • Created by subject experts & teacher feedback

  • Embeds the Computing Science pedagogy throughout

  • Lesson plans, slides with teacher’s notes & activities & answers

Get in touch and let us know if there is a topic you would like to see, reach out and let us know.

  • SQL

    This topic has three units starting with exploring basic SQL concepts with SQL Bronze that are accessible for S1 pupils. Then building on this knowledge with SQL Silver, accessible for S2 and finishing with SQL Gold that would be appropriate for S3 pupils.

  • Programming

    Programming through project based work, a version in Python and Java that include relevant pedagogy practices throughout.

  • Web Design

    Covers an introduction to basic HTML and CSS and allows pupils the opportunity to explore and create projects of their own.

  • Scratch

    This topic has four units that cover an introduction to basic programming concepts and allows pupils the opportunity to explore and create projects of their own.

  • Micro:bits

    Explore physical computing. Pupils will be introduced to basic programming concepts, explore coding projects and complete individual coding challenges.

  • Cyber Security

    Explores themes around cyber security and raises awareness of importance of being safe online.

  • Digital Literacy

    This topic has three units that are ideal for the first topic in the first year covering basic digital literacy and good password practices.

  • MakeCode Arcade

    Pupils will be introduced to basic programming concepts, explore coding projects and complete individual coding challenges.

  • Makey Makey

    A unit using Makey Makey’s to explore basic programming concepts, exploring coding projects and completing individual coding challenges.

  • Robotics

    A unit exploring basic programming concepts, exploring coding projects and complete individual coding challenges. A version for Lego Spike, Sphero and CuteBots.

We are always looking for ways to improve our resources and support teachers' needs, so please feel free to provide feedback on any of our resources.

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